Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ice Breakers..

Ok, lets see if I get this right.. I'm new to this blogging thing so I'll most likely screw this up big time but hopefully at least learn something in the process! Thanks to Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom for tagging me :D :p.

"Here are the rules:

You must post these rules.  Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog. 
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.  You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.  Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.  No tag backs and you legitimately have to tag 11 people."

Soooo 11 things about me huh? Ok here goes..

1. I used to raise and breed reptiles. Cornsnakes mostly. I love those scaley things!
2. I'm a Mormon. Though that's in my blogger profile, so yeah.. I converted when I was 22, in 2007. You do the math, you know, if you care to..
3. I'm an adoptive parent, or trying to be. Freaking CPS sucks rear. I'm sure I'll write a post about it someday.
4. My favorite number is 16. Don't know why.
5. I only knew my husband for about 3 months before getting married. We're still going strong and I swear it was the best thing to ever happen to me :).
6. I've never, ever done illegal drugs of any kind. I sound so prude lol, but there's a long legit story behind that one..
7. I'm bipolar. (Bipolar II to be more exact).
8. My 3rd daughter, The Dreamer, is somewhere on the ASD spectrum.
9. While watching it, I can quote nearly ALL of the 80's film "Labyrinth".
10. I am related to that comedian who smashes watermelons. He's my dad's cousin.
11. My favorite real animal is a cat. My favorite mythical animal is, was, and always will be, a unicorn. My room as a young girl was scary.. wall to wall unicorns..

1.  Which celebrity would you like to have dinner with and why? It's a toss up between Johnny Depp cause he's so dang cool, Ryan Reynolds because I really think he's an awesome and versatile actor, and Zach Braff because he's freaking HILARIOUS.. and we have the same birthday, only he's 10 years older than me :D
2.  What is your biggest vice? Spending money.. or brownies.
3.  What's your favorite Johnny Cash song? All of them are cool, but his cover of NIN's Hurt was EPIC.
4.  Beatles or Stones? Beatles because I can think of several of their songs I like but I can't think of any Stones songs.. I know, I suck.
5.  Red or Blue and why? Mmm.. Blue because I like the cool colors more than the hot..
6.  Favorite SNL sketch of all time and why? None because I never watch it? :( Again, I know, I suck.
7.  The meal you would order as your last if you were on death row would be? Sushi. TONS of sushi. Followed by a dessert of astounding chocolate proportions.
8.  The song you find most repulsive. Hit me baby one more time makes me want to hit her lots more times.. but really, all pop is sickening.. even the stuff I like sickens me, possibly even more so.
9.  Your favorite president and why. Pftttttt.. any of the dead ones because they're dead? No really though, Reagan was awesome I hear... and yes, I'm more Republican than Democrat but we'll leave it at that.
10. Catch phrase you hate the most. Gosh, I don't know.. I can't even think of any right now :( Maybe I should have done this sooner than 11pm..
11. How you would've like the last Oprah show to end instead of how it did. Wait, it ended?? Lulz..

I'm posting this now to a: make sure it saves seeing as I just nearly deleted it all, and b: go to bed cause it's freaky late and The Husband is coming home tomorrow and I want to be well rested for the epic cuddle fest we shall be having after him being gone for two and a half days.. I'll finish it later :) <3

1 comment:

  1. You're related to Gallagher?! I was just talking about him the other day - to of all people, my dentist. LOL I love Gallagher - he's a riot. Johnny Depp would be my pick for dinner too and good pick on the Cash song. His version of Hurt is stellar. Thanks for playing!
